Panel gone

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at
Wed Mar 1 20:43:06 CET 2006

Hi Christel,

Christel Robert wrote:
> Newbie here.
> My panel is gone!
> I've browsed the mailing list and discovered, thanks to Michel Doucet who had the same problem, that I can make it come back by running xfce4-panel.
> The problem is that it doesn't stay. Everytime I close the terminal, it goes away.
> I know it has something to do with ~/.config/xfce4/xfce4-panel, but I don't know where to find it, and I'm not too good at finding files.

Try this:

1) run a terminal
2) from that terminal, run "xfce4-panel&"
3) type "exit" (do not close the window using the X) - exit quits the 
shell while "X" quit the terminal, it's different.
4) save your session, on exit

Let me know how that works.


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