Problems with xfce 4.2 and suse 10.0 ! plz help me!

Alaios alaios at
Wed Jun 21 19:11:35 CEST 2006

a)Thx a lot for your answer.. I have noticed that xfdesktop didnt work.. i run it and the xfce desktop appeared :) Still i cant right click on desktop to see the menu
1)How i can xfdesktop run automatically each time?
2)why still menu is not working?
3)Xfce 4.4 will support icons on desktop?

Mike Massonnet <mmassonnet at> wrote: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 16:00:19 -0700 (PDT) - Alaios 
wrote :

> The problem that i face when  i use xfce
> is that the right click doesnt work in the background
> so i cant see the menu pop-up list :( . I dont know
> how to solve this problem. It seems that the desktop
> is being used from something else that doesnt let xfce
> to work properly :(
> What do u suggest me do?

If an application is handling the desktop, you won't be able to show
the menu.  FYI the desktop manager from Xfce is xfdesktop.

> B) Is it possible to use desktop icons to xfce?

Not with version 4.2.  Instead you can use an application, external of
Xfce, to handle the desktop with icons support.  In example I know Rox,
Nautilus and iDesk can handle icons.


-- Mike Massonnet (mmassonnet)           ,-.
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