A couple of questions

Peggy Kutyla peggy.kutyla at laposte.net
Tue Jun 13 18:20:21 CEST 2006

Anders Lind a écrit :
> Hello,
> I finally got Xfce 4.4beta to compile on on my Mandriva system and now
> I am stuck with a couple of questions.
> 1. I moved my taskbar from the top of the screen to the bottom and that
> went fine apart from the fact that where the taskbar was it is just
> like a grey border up at the top of the screen....is there any way to
> remove that

you must kill xftaskbar4 if it is still running
> 2. I have both and 4.4 beta installed right now on the machine
> and I want to import the settings from into 4.4, is that
> possible and if so how?
 (  °>  Peggy Kutyla
 ( / )  Linux Registered User 32848

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