about symbolic links on Desktop

Mike Massonnet mmassonnet at gmail.com
Sat Jun 3 02:07:35 CEST 2006

Fri, 2 Jun 2006 15:01:31 -0700 (PDT) - nusret <nbalci_l at yahoo.com>
wrote :

> Well, I don't know about specifications, etc. After
> all, I never store files, folders, etc. permanently on
> Desktop, but I do use it for temporary files, scratch
> work, etc. It sounds reasonable to me to make it a
> folder: a special one. But this is just my feeling,
> not even thoughts :).

You should probably install kdesktop, killall xfdesktop and ALT+F2 =>
kdesktop.  kdesktop describes exactly your wishes.

Or you could install nautilus, it manages a desktop too.

 http://massonnet.org/ Mike Massonnet (mmassonnet)           ,-.
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