about symbolic links on Desktop
nbalci_l at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 2 03:08:53 CEST 2006
> True. But I'm just pointing out how you can be most
> useful in testing
> and development. If you aren't willing to go to the
> extra work, that's
> fine; I respect your choice and the level of
> involvement you want to put in.
> -brian
Brian, you really miss the point. Due to my level of
fluency in linux systems and build process, etc. It's
very unlikely that I can handle the level of
involvement you find acceptable. I barely can find my
way in linux systems without a good desktop, I'm not
very familiar with the quirks of building and
replacing my whole desktop, etc. On the one hand yo
don't even want to hear about my distro: if things go
astray (I'm sure it will!) who will help me? on the
other hand, for you, it's just a matter of checking
your latest version and see whether the problem I
describe is reproducible. If the description is vague,
you can simply request more details and I will be more
than happy to explain more.
You sure don't have to, but please don't insinuate I'm
not willing to help in any sunstantial way. I'm not a
programmer, not even a more than newbie to Linux.
You're not fair in your this specific judgement, with
all due respect. Or, I did misunderstand you, and if
so i apologize.
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