Problems with the Applications menu

Biju Chacko botsie at
Mon Jul 24 05:30:07 CEST 2006

On Sat, 22 Jul 2006 18:37:05 +0530, Jean-François Wauthy <pollux at>  

>> Anyway the menu editor sucks big time. It has a lot of bugs. I think I
>> will submit them today if I find the place where to.
> I guess you're running Xubuntu... i _really_ begin to get tired of these
> reports where people bitch about the menueditor in Xubuntu (i don't say
> it's perfect either).

Heh. I wouldn't have replied so politely -- even if the bugs had really  
been mine.

Note to OP:

Blanket comments of this nature are not very helpful. Either file bug  
reports or keep quiet. This is not the way to show your appreciation for  
work done for you at no cost by volunteers sacrificing their spare time.  
In short: your attitude "sucks big time".

-- b

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