OT: Re: thunar + mountpoints + sort by name and case

Geoff Ehrman gehrman at gmail.com
Thu Jul 13 22:13:40 CEST 2006

On 7/13/06, Brian J. Tarricone <bjt23 at cornell.edu> wrote:
> As for separating case when sorting...  The only "logical" reason I can
> see for this is an implementation detail: ASCII defines the capitals and
> lowercase letters in two separate, contiguous chunks.  But I think any
> usability guy would remind us that implementation details are poor
> things on which to base one's user interface.

Imo, the fact that in *nix a != A is a very logical reason for sorting them
separately. To me, the better question is should they be sorted as A-Za-z or

As for letter and special characters, I'd have to agree that sorting those
is pretty much a logical arbitrary.

OOT: I run xfce on Arch at home (at work I'm consigned to MS), and I
absolutely love it. Heartfelt thanks Brian and all the other devs.
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