Aw: [ot] Theme QT apps

Harold Aling h.aling at
Mon Jan 23 16:47:55 CET 2006

timystery at wrote:
> hi!
> there is gtk2-engines-qt / allowing to have your gtk apps look like your qt apps - so you would perhaps use this solution?
> fabian
I've already looked at it, but I really would like it the other way 
around: I want all my QT apps to look like GTK ones... Maybe not all the 
widgets, but at lease the default background color and default font 
family and size...

I just found qtconfig, which was hiding in /usr/qt/3/bin. This is a qt 
gui app which you can use to create the system qtrc or your own .qtrc, 
but it would be very neat to have those options mentioned above to be 
sync'd between XFCE and the .qtrc file...


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