mailwatch plugin build error [was Re: Loading Status Feedback]
Mr Machine
machinehasnoagenda at
Mon Jan 23 01:05:07 CET 2006
Brian Kaney wrote:
> Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
>> Brian Kaney wrote:
>>> Any ideas? I installed the xfce4 package using a gentoo ebuild, but I
>>> don't think this has anything to do with this.
>> Should be fixed now. Either pull it from SVN or wait for the next snapshot.
> For some reason, the mailwatch plugin is the only package that doesn't
> seem to update on the snapshots site, it is still the Jan 18 - or r19483.
> Also, I grabbed the SVN source for the plugin, but there doesn't seem to
> be a configure script. Is there something I need to do to the
> snv-sources to prepare them for installation?
this was confusing me, too - but you have to go into the ./panel-plugin
directory and run 'make' 'make install' from there ... you might have to
run the '' script in the top directory before that, though
(can't remember).
i did this and it worked for me ;)
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