OT: testing my x-face

Bob Plantz plantz at cds1.net
Sun Jan 22 17:28:04 CET 2006

On Sat, 2006-01-21 at 14:40 -0800, Brian J. Tarricone wrote:

> Christel Robert wrote:
> > Can you see it?
> Please don't waste our time with tests like this.
> 	-brian

Now I'm curious. I didn't see anything (other than "Can you see it?" so
didn't pay much attention. What was I supposed to see that supposedly
wasted my time?

I would like to remark on the general tone of this, and many, mailing

I'm currently running Ubuntu. One of the things I like about it is the
people on the forum (www.ubuntuforums.org). Most contributors are very
friendly. They welcome a little light-hearted fun along with their

That seems to contrast with most other *nix forums and mailing lists
where there seems to be much more "seriousness." It even reaches the
point of disdain for newcomers.

Please understand that I'm not complaining here. It could just be me.
But I've reached a point in life (retired, 67) where I value "play" a
bit more. I spent 21 years of me life teaching computer science at a
university. My job was to help clueless newcomers. I learned a lot from
that job. In particular, I learned that I am the clueless newcomer in
many areas of computing, and that a little light-hearted friendliness is
usually an effective way to help people learn things.


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