Expand option in tasklist (xfce4-panel, svn)

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at xfce.org
Thu Jan 12 21:23:46 CET 2006

Brian J. Tarricone schreef:
> Ok, then let's look at the xinerama use case.  We have two camps: people
> who want the taskbar extended across the top of the entire big screen,
> and people who want the taskbar just across the single monitor.
> Now, for people who don't have more than one screen (I'd figure the
> majority), the cases I described in my previous mail probably hold true.
> How evil is it to special-case xinerama?  A plugin can easily determine
> if we have xinerama active by doing
> gdk_screen_get_n_monitors(gtk_widget_get_screen(plugin));
> Perhaps if that returns > 1, show the option, otherwise don't?  In this
> case, we can actually say what it does in the option title: "Expand
> (panel|tasklist) across all monitors".

That sounds good. I'll try and implement something this weekend. Thanks.


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