OT: Why planet gnome doesn't tell all the truth?

Michal Kapalka michal.kapalka at epfl.ch
Mon Feb 20 13:53:20 CET 2006

> For us gentoo users, a simply command such as "emerge firefox" will
> produce *tens of thousands of lines* of output to the terminal.
> Actually, from the log files, I know that the last execution of "emerge
> xorg-x11" gave me 120785 lines of output!

Right (I also use Gentoo :) ). But "emerge xorg-x11" takes about an hour 
to finish and printing 120000 lines on xterm -- about 1.5 minute. What 
you can save by using a faster alternative to xterm is then (relatively) 
not so much. Of course, unless we are talking about user friendliness in 
terms of easy configuration and things like tabs, menus, etc. -- in 
which case xterm looses with the alternatives for XFCE, Gnome or KDE.

xterm might be slow, but nobody is able to read any faster -- that's why 
"cat /a/huge/file" seemed to me like a wrong benchmark. I might be 
wrong, though :)

Anyway, it's my personal view and I don't want to argue too much about 
that -- it's already got too much off-topic for the XFCE mailing list, I 

All the best,


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