OT: Why planet gnome doesn't tell all the truth?

Michal Kapalka michal.kapalka at epfl.ch
Mon Feb 20 11:39:21 CET 2006


> Today I've read a post on planet gnome claiming that the new gnome 
> terminal v2.14 is faster than xterm. The obtained results, executing 
> "time cat /usr/share/dict/words", are

Three things:

1. (as already pointed by someone else) Who runs "cat /a/large/file" so 
often that the difference between 1 sec and 4 sec is of any 
significance? (and who will be reading so much text from any terminal 
anyway? ;) IMHO, benchmarks should correspond to the user actions that 
are the most common.

2. xterm uses less memory and starts faster than gnome-terminal or KDE 
term (at least on my machine) -- for me that's more important.

3. Last but not least, there is a very interesting e-mail:


In short, quoting few sentences "(...) real xterm supports a hell of a 
lot of fancy voodoo. It and rxvt-unicode are two of the most fully 
featured terminal emulators (from a terminal capability point of view) 
out there. None of these cheap knockoffs [it's mainly about Gnome 
Terminal] that claim to be xterm come anywhere near close to supporting 
full xterm capabilities."

I'm not sure, how up-to-date this is, though.

All in all, I'm somehow not convinced about the usefulness of the 
benchmark results.

All the best,


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