XFCE Hangs

John Lee johnleemk at gawab.com
Mon Feb 13 13:13:17 CET 2006

Olivier Fourdan wrote:

>John Lee wrote:
>>via_velocity           31712  0
>>crc_ccitt               1728  1 via_velocity
>>crc32                   3904  1 via_velocity
>>Any thoughts?
>It seems pretty clear that it is not a nvidia driver bug.
>What leads to the freeze? Did you setup some launcher that when run, 
>cause the system to freeze? Can you find a way to reproduce the problem?
>Fixing an issue without being able to reproduce it is a had task for us, 
>so any hint on what leads to the freeze can help.
>Also, you said you could ssh to the foezn system and see X eating 94%of 
>the CPU. This can happen when an app is looping with X events (ie 
>responding to an event by generating another event and so on). If X is 
>eating 94% of the CPU, which app is next just after X?
I am running Folding at Home, which is started by Xfce when it launches. It 
also launches gAIM and Skype automatically. Other than that, there's 
nothing else launched when Xfce starts, and the hanging is pretty 
random, although it almost always happens just after I click on 
something, be it a hypertext link or a menu button. I can't remember 
exactly what comes after X in top, but I think it was Folding at Home. (So 
I presume the next step would be to disable Folding at Home and see if the 
freezing continues?)

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