XFCE Hangs

John Lee johnleemk at gawab.com
Sun Feb 12 16:58:17 CET 2006

Andrew Conkling wrote:

>On 2/12/06, John Lee <johnleemk at gawab.com> wrote:
>> Andrew Conkling wrote:
>> On 2/9/06, Andrew Conkling <andrew.conkling at gmail.com> wrote:
>> With the crazy NVidia bug, you couldn't even Ctrl+Alt+F1 to a vt; can
>>you do this? If so, check 'top' for CPU usage and make sure X isn't
>>throttling the CPU. If not, I would say this is something going on
>>with X and/or the video driver.
>> Followup on my followup: If not, you may also be able to ssh into your
>>computer, assuming you have this set up and another computer on which
>>to do it. If you can do this, you should be able to check 'top'.
>>This is how I found out what happens when NVidia screws X over. :)
>> Okay, I SSHed into it when it hung a few minutes ago, and I confirmed it's
>>X that's causing the problem (something like 94% of the CPU). I restarted X
>>from the SSH terminal. So, what now?
>It really does sound like you're running the nvidia drivers.  I'd say,
>whichever you're running, switch them.  Also, make sure that this is
>actually the file being used when you start X; you may have heard this
>before :), but this *really* sounds like the nvidia bug....
What other drivers can I use? From what I've read on Google, etc. I 
definitely think is the nvidia bug, but how do I fix it? What other 
drivers are available, and how do I install them?

John Lee
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