how to use "Desktop Entry" files?

Christopher Taylor mojosound at
Wed Feb 8 15:06:27 CET 2006

On 2/8/06, Roland Plüss <roland at> wrote:
> i noticed that xfce uses in his system generated list ( the one with
> 'include --system--' ) .desktop files ( or Desktop Entry files ) from
> KDE from the /usr/share/applications directoy to populate this menu. i
> tried now to create such files myself for apps which are not yet in that
> listing but that i would like to have there ( including existing ones
> and my own ). now i did a simply copy-modify to create an entry for
> NEdit for example. although the entry is fine and KDE finds it XFCE does
> not ( even after restarting X and restarting the entire machine ).
> can somebody give me a hint why i can not create my own .desktop files
> in /usr/share/applications with XFCE using them? do i need to update a
> database? or is there a special config file hidden somewhere that i have
> to mess around with?
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I had to go through the menu editor and re-select the file before any
additions were seen in the xfce menu.  I am running Mandriva Linux 2006
which has its own menu that it generates as an xml file.  Changes to that
file were not being seen on the xfce menu.  Relinking helped.  I have not
made any changes, so I do not know if I would have to relink each time a
change is made.

Christopher Taylor - Registered Linux User #383327
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