ANNOUNCE: Verve 0.1.0 - A panel command line plugin

Foxy foxy at
Wed Feb 8 09:37:40 CET 2006

Jannis wrote:
> Foxy schrieb:
>> Jannis wrote:
>>> Benedikt Meurer schrieb:
>>>> Jannis wrote:
>>>>>> i don't have xfce4-panel*.pc in my system (updatedb && locate .pc |
>>>>>> grep
>>>>>> pkconfig), did a svn update on xfce4-panel, but the source tree
>>>>>> does not
>>>>>> provide this file (find -name *.pc).
>>>>>> any ideas?
>>>>> Well, it shouldn't be xfce4-panel*.pc but libxfce4panel-1.0.pc.
>>>> Your configure file contains XFCE_PANEL_PLUGIN(), which checks for the
>>>> 4.2.x panel (-> xfce4-panel-1.0.pc). You should remove that line from
>>>> your configure file.
>>> Ok, bugfix release out on
>>> - Jannis
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>>> Xfce at
>> it compiled fine for me. the question is why both minicommand and verve
>> are so tiny on my panel? (see the picture attached.)
> I've not understood GTK+ layout management completely yet, but what
> Verve does is sending a default width request of e.g. 20 chars. This may
> collide with that of other widgets and thus, may not be fully accepted,
> I think. But you should be able to adjust the width anyway, no?
> - Jannis
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> Xfce mailing list
> Xfce at
no I've got 20 in properties and no matter what I do, it remains 
unchanged :(

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