Installation Q: xfce 4.3x on a Debian Stable Stable?

Aaron Cohen acohen36 at
Thu Dec 28 19:46:10 CET 2006

   6. Re: Installation Q: xfce 4.3x on a Debian Stable Stable?
      (Yves-Alexis Perez)
   8. Re: Installation Q: xfce 4.3x on a Debian Stable Stable?
      (Niki Kovacs)

Installation Q: xfce 4.3x on a Debian Sarge Stable?

Anyone have some straightforward info on getting the right files and libraries (at one place) for installing the downloadable xfce 4.3x onto such a system, maybe even pkgs that work?

Queries/responses below.

Message: 6
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2006 08:35:03 +0100
From: Yves-Alexis Perez <corsac at>

> Sarge has indeed Xfce 4.0 that you may find really old. There are
> backports available from for 4.2 but it may not suits you.

Guess not.

> Etch (current testing, to be released 'soon') has 4.4rc1 with some
> packages from rc2 (or the reverse), you may want to try it, upgrading
> from Sarge and testing Sarge->Etch upgrades. If you don't want to do it
> you may try to build using installers.

Not going toward Debian testing/Etch 'soon'.
No decent xfce4.3x stable/Sarge .deb builds for apt-get (synaptic, aptitude...) yet ???

What installers?
Link to graphical installer down as I wrote:" 
* os-cillation graphical installer link at
is a dead "404" page."
Message: 8
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2006 11:53:19 +0100
From: Niki Kovacs <contact at>

> I can recommend Slackware as XFCE-friendly distro. I've written a series 
> of build scripts for a complete office environment. If you choose 
> Slackware, you can build the latest XFCE very easily from Robbie 
> Workman's scripts also.
> And since you describe yourself as a newbie, let me state that Slackware 
> is an excellent "learning" distro.

No question on that.  Also just as secure as Debian,
just compare the timeliness of its 2006 "Security Advisories" at with those of Debian's 
"Release-critical bugs" at (more detailed list of Packages/Maintainers for latter at

NooB for xfce, but not Debian or Slackware. Am anticipating when Slackware gets to 11.1+ -- following a stable and great xfce4.4x of course ;-) -- and also when Etch gets out real soon....release update at as of this writing

One real issue as my above response to Yves-Alexis Perez indicates, is getting -- or encouraging to provide, hint hint hint :-) -- consolidation of xfce4.3x pkg's/dependencies for Debian Stable/Sarge.
Again, a non-Etch .deb for a simple apt-get ??   


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