Installation Q: xfce 4.3x on a Debian Stable Stable?

Yves-Alexis Perez corsac at
Thu Dec 28 08:35:03 CET 2006

On mer, 2006-12-27 at 23:10 -0800, Aaron Cohen wrote:
> Installation Q: xfce 4.3x on a Debian Sarge Stable?
> Anyone have some straightforward info on getting the right files and
> libraries (at one place) for installing the downloadable xfce 4.3x
> onto such a system, maybe even pkgs that work?
> It has GNOME running great.... surely just a n00B here.  
> Have gone through quite a bit of DLL-Hell
> "Kafkaesque libraries-searching".
> kernel is 2.6.16-2, gcc is 4.1.2, what more could one ask for....?

Sarge has indeed Xfce 4.0 that you may find really old. There are
backports available from for 4.2 but it may not suits you.
Etch (current testing, to be released 'soon') has 4.4rc1 with some
packages from rc2 (or the reverse), you may want to try it, upgrading
from Sarge and testing Sarge->Etch upgrades. If you don't want to do it
you may try to build using installers.

I made once (for beta1 or beta2, don't remember) 4.4 backports for
sarge/i386 that you may want to try (but it's been a long time so I
can't really say if those packages are good). If you want I may look at
this and try to rebuild 4.4rc2 packages.

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