mount plugin

Joe Klemmer klemmerj at
Sun Dec 24 15:12:25 CET 2006

On Sat, 23 Dec 2006, Scott Jones wrote:

> By default, yes.  Some distributions, though, have targetpw set, which 
> causes sudo to ask for the password of the target user (defaults to root 
> if no user is specified).

 	Now why in the world would anyone do that?  I don't mean this as a 
slight or a knock.  I'm just curious as to the thinking for it.  I guess 
its intended to keep people from abusing sudo?  On a single user system 
it's not a major security issue (it's still an issue, though) and on a 
multi-user system you should have sudo locked down as tightly as possible 
(i.e. non of that "ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" stuff in the sudoers file[1]). 
Do you know any specific distros that have targetpw set?  I'd like to look 
them over.


[1] This is something I tend to do on my "desktop" systems out of laziness 
but never on a server.  In fact, it's probably way past time to change my 
passwd on the server.  As much as I find it annoying I'm going to have to 
set expiration times for my user there.  I better do roots, too.  I have 
no idea what it's currently set to.

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