Transparent Panels

JoeHill joehill at
Tue Dec 19 13:01:00 CET 2006

On Tue, 19 Dec 2006 12:47:50 +0100
Mike Massonnet got an infinite number of monkeys to type out:

> > Now, I have composite enabled using xcompmgr, is there some way I have to
> > run it in order for the panels to be transparent?
> >   
> The window manager of Xfce 4.2 and 4.4 provides a composite manager,
> which means you should not need xcompmgr.

See below :-)

> Now, to set the transparency of a panel, make sure you have Composite
> enabled.  For Xfce 4.4 go to Settings > Window Manager Tweaks, and
> enable Compositor (last tab).  If you don't have this tab, type xfwm4
> --version

[joehill at node1:~>$]xfwm4 --version
        This is xfwm4 version (revision 23062) for Xfce
        Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
        Compiled against GTK+-2.8.3, using GTK+-2.8.3.

        Build configuration and supported features:
        - Startup notification support:                 Yes
        - Render support:                               Yes
        - Xrandr support:                               Yes
        - Embedded compositor:                          Yes
        - KDE systray proxy (deprecated):               No

> to see if it has been built-in.  Once Compositor is working,
> right click on a Panel and select Configure.

It looks like it's built in, but then again I have the notification plugin
installed as well, and that doesn't show up in the settings anywhere. Is there
a command to run to get this compositor dialogue to open?

Thanks for such a quick reply! You're either an insomniac like me, or yer on
the other side of the planet ;-)

JoeHill / RLU #282046
"Bender, I don't care whether you have money. I love you for your artificial
intelligence and your sincerity simulator." -Countess de la Roca

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