SOLVED Re: Panel compiling error

Peggy Kutyla peggy.kutyla at
Wed Aug 30 17:08:23 CEST 2006

juha a écrit :
> Peggy Kutyla kirjoitti:
>>>> xfce4-panel (svn-22905) won't compile anymore.
>>>> *configure* seem to be OK but *make* end with :

>>>> make[2]: *** No rule to make target « xftaskbar4 », need for « all-am ».
>>>> stop.

>>> It's a dummy script to replace old xftaskbar4. Do you have it in that directory?

> Perhaps your download is somehow corrupted.
> Do another checkout
> (or just add the file manually.)
> $cat xftaskbar4
> # Dummy file. The panel now provides taskbar functionality.
Thanks a lot.
Adding manually an empty file did the trick.
 (  °>  Peggy Kutyla
 ( / )  Linux Registered User 32848

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