xfmedia (0.9.1) compile error

Yves-Alexis Perez corsac at corsac.net
Wed Aug 30 08:00:07 CEST 2006

On Tue, 2006-08-29 at 21:24 +0000, tomw at videotron.ca wrote:
> Could you please give me some more information on what I'm suppose to
> do with these patches ....

Those two patchs enable xfmedia to build against current dbus and
current xfce libs. I assume you have every development packages

In xfmedia sources folder you should do:
patch -p1 < ../path/to/patch1
patch -p1 < ../path/to/patch2

Then rebuild as usual.

(may I ask why you want to build xfmedia while the package should be in
your repositories ?)

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