What applications do Xfce users use?

Stefan Schwarzburg stefan.schwarzburg at googlemail.com
Sat Aug 19 22:01:41 CEST 2006

And another  list:

Editor/Programming/Latex/...: Emacs
Web: Firefox
Mail: Firefox->Gmail (before that: Evolution)
Calendar: Orage (before that: Evolution)
Audio: gmusicbrowser, Grip
Video: Mplayer
Terminal: Terminal or xterm
File Manager: Thunar or xterm (with all the commandline tools...)
Samba: xffm
PDF: Evince or Acroread
Graphics: Gimp, Dia, Xfig, Blender

normally I don't need (Open) Office, for presentations I use Latex-Beamer
(Emacs + Acroread)
and I never saw a need for Gnucash, so no alternative here that I know of.
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