International keyboard

joe_schmoe geek_show at
Sat Aug 19 00:05:02 CEST 2006

Hi all

I'm on a Slack10.2 machine that is running the default Slack Xfce4.2.0 
desktop. I am based in the UK so I want to be able to use a UK keyboard. 
I also dual-boot into other Linux distros and WinXP. Whenever I come 
back into Xfce though - it never remembers my keyboard map preference. 
How can I get it to remember it from one login to the next. KDE does it, 
but I don't know how. To get the keyboard map to coincide with the keys 
I'm using I have to enter kxkb at the command line. That is a bit of a pain.

Any thoughts/ideas/fixes?


Version: 3.1
GSS/P d+- s++:++ a+ C++ P L+++ E- W+++ N+
K? w--- PS+++ PE- Y+ t-- 5? X- R? !tv b+++
DI++ D? G e++++ h--- r+++ z*

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