Another logout question

LaPeq FCI lapeqmack at
Sun Aug 13 05:28:25 CEST 2006

2006/8/13, Stefan Stuhr <xfceuserslist at>:
> søn, 13 08 2006 kl. 00:13 -0300, skrev LaPeq FCI:
> > 2006/8/13, Stefan Stuhr <xfceuserslist at>:
> > > Try to replace the standard quit menu item with a custom menu item with
> > > the following command:
> > > xfce4-panel -q
> >
> > It worked! The same dialog from the panel quit button appeared. Is
> > this a bug?
> No.
> > I think the menu quit should also call that command,
> > shouldn't it?
> No, not really. The quit menu item uses the standard session manager way
> to quit Xfce (or whatever session manager based desktop is being used).
> The panel quit button does the same.
> The "problem" here is that you aren't using any session manager, and the
> panel and menu handles that problem in different ways.
> Another thing is that the fallback code in Xfce's xinitrc file (from the
> xfce-utils module) for when there is no xfce4-session on the system
> starts xfce4-panel last. That is, if one doesn't have xfce4-session
> installed, and starts Xfce, then Xfce will quit when the panel quits.
> That's why xfce4-panel -q works in your case.

I've understood it, thank you a lot.

> Stefan
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