xfce4-menueditor crashes when saving

LaPeq FCI lapeqmack at gmail.com
Sat Aug 12 00:16:17 CEST 2006

> Le vendredi 11 août 2006 à 19:06 -0300, LaPeq FCI a écrit :
> > Well, unfortunately i'm not running Xubuntu, sorry for upseting you.
> > I'm glad to know the bug was fixed =)
> >
> Oh! I'm sorry then i thought it was some 'i lost my menu in Xubuntu'
> report. The problem you have isn't fixed at all then (AFAICT), please
> fill a bug report on bugs.xfce.org and describe how to reproduce it.

I'll install beta 2 and test it again, if it does not work i'll fill a
bug report. Do you know how do I get a more detailed report on gdb? I
would like to provide this so that it can be easy to find the bug, am
I wrong?

> cheers
LaPeq - Laboratório de Pesquisa Científica da FCI

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