xfapplet panel plugin

Adriano Winter Bess awbess at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 18:34:19 CEST 2006

2006/4/25, Stefan Stuhr <xfceuserslist at sstuhr.dk>:
> File a bug report where? I can't find Xfapplet in the Xfce Bugzilla.

XfApplet development takes place on xfce-goodies (at BerliOS). You
won't find a xfapplet category (as most plugins don't have a special
category), but don't worry about this (I'll ask on xfce-goodies-dev
for it to be created).

> I have never written a GNOME Panel applet, but it seems that applets use
> panel_applet_set_flags() with PanelAppletFlags to set these things.
> typedef enum {
>         PANEL_APPLET_FLAGS_NONE   = 0,
>         PANEL_APPLET_EXPAND_MAJOR = 1 << 0,
>         PANEL_APPLET_EXPAND_MINOR = 1 << 1,
>         PANEL_APPLET_HAS_HANDLE   = 1 << 2,
> } PanelAppletFlags;

Hehe, shame on me. When I went through Gnome panel code I thought this
"applet flags" were something specific to the Gnome panel and not
important at all: XfApplet ignores it completelly. Thanks a lot to
call my attention over it. I'll fix it as soon as possible.

Adriano Winter Bess
awbess <at> gmail <dot> com

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