Xfce 4.4b1 task bar issue?

Joe Klemmer klemmerj at webtrek.com
Thu Apr 20 05:53:21 CEST 2006

On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 20:29 +0200, Benedikt Meurer wrote:

> >>On the other hand, why not simply install symlinks xftaskbar4 and
> >>xfce4-iconbox to xfce4-panel, that would be a smoother upgrade IMHO.
> > 
> > Hehe, nice hack. Or maybe we can install scripts instead, that simply 
> > spit out a message that these programs have been removed from Xfce. I 
> > think I would prefer that over symlinks.
> Yep, something like that. ;-)

	I would recommend that if this is the way it goes to have it documented
in the release notes as well as the readme file that this has changed.
Using a script that utilized [x|g|whatever]dialog to pop-up a simple
alert box should take care of it.


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