Two pane file manager : TuxCommander

Mateusz Łoskot mateusz at
Mon Apr 17 16:26:22 CEST 2006

Ian bell wrote:
> Mateusz Łoskot wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Art Wildman wrote:
>>> Krusader may be too heavy for you, but I like it...
>> Yes, Krusader is almost the ideal FM for Linux.
>> The only problem is that it uses QT/KDE libs.
>> I think GTK+ based FM would be much more native for both GNOME and XFCE.
>> p.s. Have I said I really don't like QT/KDE UI :-))
> Funny how opinions differ. I love the kde/qt ui but I cannot stand 
> C++. I don't like the gtk ui but I much prefer C. I would love to be 
> able to write C progs ysinf the kde ui.

Hehe, that's really funny indeed.
I don't like QT/KDE UI. I only like QT architecture.
I don't like C but I'm a C++ purist (stl, boost, etc.) :-)))

Now, I can explain myself why there are so many File Mangers - every
author had completely different needs and preferences ;-)

Mateusz Łoskot

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