Iconbox configuration

Foxy foxy at on-the-hill.me.uk
Sun Sep 25 21:16:20 CEST 2005

Jasper Huijsmans wrote:

>Foxy schreef:
>>iconbox looks like a nice feature, the problem is that all the icons 
>>appear in the upper left corner of the screen where I've got a weather 
>>desklet running. I wonder if it is possible to make them appear in 
>>another part of the display? I tried to use xfce settings and I assumed 
>>that one can change the position of the iconbox by clicking on the 
>>buttons in the iconbox settings, but it does not change anything... Any 
>What version are you using?
>Xfce mailing list
>Xfce at xfce.org
It's a good question as I just now realised. I've got a mixture of 4.2.2 
and 4.3.0...

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