Dual screen issues

houghi houghi at houghi.org
Sun Nov 20 08:17:56 CET 2005


I just installed XFce on my SUSE 10.0 dual screen, non Xinerama. It works
great and installation was as easy as anything.

I have my two screens and both work wonderfull, at least the first screen
is. The second screen seems to be unable to remember the settings for the
Xfce panel. When I either do a Restart or log out and back in, it frgot
any changes I did to the panel.

It forgets its place, it forgets things I have added, deleted or removed.
This only happens on screen1 (DISPLAY 1). On screen 0 (DISPLAY 0) all is

Also when restarting gkrellm starts on screen 0 and not on screen 1 where
I want it. Other things, like an aterm and wmbiff show no problem of
remembering where they should go.

So if I do changes, it is working great, it is just that it can't seem to
remember the settings for the panel in screen1.

I have searched the archives and was unable to find a solution. Either
Xinerama did not work (I do not have Xinerama) or the second screen did
not work (Works great here)
I also looked in ~/.xfce and found nothing that means anything to me, 

'About Xfce' tells me I run version 4.2.2

What should I edit or do so the second screen and/or panel does not loose
its settings?


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