No window manager

Alexander Toresson alexander.toresson at
Tue Nov 15 19:48:26 CET 2005

On 11/15/05, Travis Crook <travis at> wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Nov 2005 07:13:08 +0100
> Yves-Alexis Perez <corsac at> wrote:
> > Travis Crook wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > >     I am running Mandriva 2006.0 x86_64 and have xfce version
> > > 4.2.2 installed.  At first it was working great!  I had everything
> > > set the way I like it.  Now when I reboot my computer and login and
> > > type startxfce4 I get a blue screen (default background?) and the
> > > panel bar across the top.  Nothing else shows up.  I don't see my
> > > taskbar at the bottom nor can I click on the background and have the
> > > menu appear.  Any ideas on what I can do to return to normal?
> > > Thanks!
> > >
> >
> > If you have window borders and can move windows, then you have xfwm4
> > running. But it seems that xfdesktop and xftaskbar4 are not running.
> > Just launch them from a terminal (with an &), then don't forget to save
> > your session when quitting.
> >
> Unfortunately I don't have window borders and I can't move windows.  I also
> cannot launch xfdesktop and xftaskbar4 from a terminal because I can't
> open a terminal.  Could it be a configuration file is corrupted somehow?
> Thanks!

You said you had the panel working, so why not just create a launcher
in the panel for your preffered terminal?

Regards, Alexander Toresson

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