How to initialize some shellscript with XFCE

Sami Samhuri sami at
Tue May 24 09:22:46 CEST 2005

* On Mon May-23-2005 at 10:34:04 PM -0700, Keith Dart said:
> On Mon, 23 May 2005, Stefan Stuhr wrote:
> > man, 23 05 2005 kl. 14:49 -0300, skrev Thyago Duque:
> >> I need some help.
> >> I want to know how do I can initialize some
> >> shellscript every time when xfce is initialized and
> >> how can I program some aplications to open with xfce.
> >
> > Put the shellscripts in ~/Desktop/Autostart/
> Do shell environment variables that are exported there get inherited by 
> the rest of xfce and other spawned programs?

Only processes fork()ed from that script/program will inherit it's
environment. Changes to a process' environment do _not_ propagate to existing

If you want some env vars to be global to Xfce then I would suggest
using a modified version of ${prefix}/bin/startxfce4 (perhaps in ~/bin
or something else in your path. must be BEFORE ${prefix}/bin). If you
do this and use the session manager make sure the variables are exported
before it is started.

If you use xdm (or [kg]dm, or some other gui login app) then I suppose
you could export these from whatever script invokes X. I do not use any
of those apps so I'm not sure exactly what you should edit in that case,

Hope this helps,

Sami Samhuri
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