xfcepanel and taskbar autohide options

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at xfce.org
Thu May 5 14:57:55 CEST 2005

hicham wrote:
>>I'm not really surprised that it doesn't work. The panel and the taskbar
>>will both try to catch mouse movements, so that may very well interfere.
>>I don't think I can make that work.
>>If you simply want the panel and a tasklist on the same screen edge, you
>>could try to use the taskbar plugin and simply not run xftaskbar4.
>>        Jasper
> How do I "not run" xftaskbar4 ? 

Right now the only way to do this is by killing it from a terminal: 
'pkill xftaskbar4'. If you save your session when logging out, the 
taskbar will no longer be started with xfce.


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