taskbar panel transparency

Ajit Datar ajitdatar at gmail.com
Tue May 3 07:22:36 CEST 2005

Thanks everyone for all the help. Transparency works now. Though as advised 
in the xfce manual, composite support is still experimental and not yet 
optimized. It kinda slows down window movements.

On 5/2/05, Brian J. Tarricone <bjt23 at cornell.edu> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Ajit Datar wrote:
> > I have compiled it with the compositing option. I am running FC3 so it
> > has X.org <http://X.org> <http://X.org> > 6.8
> > I also created a transparency file as mentioned in the manual with
> > panel=90 (for 90% transparency) and I still can't see my panel 
> translucent.
> >
> > What could be the problem? I have a dell 700m laptop with intel i8255GM
> > graphics controller.
> Do you see drop-shadows around windows? If not, please see:
> http://svn.foo-projects.org/svn/xfce/xfwm4/branches/xfce_4_2/COMPOSITOR
> Notably, step #2, and step #3 if needed.
> To put it another way, please read the docs...
> -brian
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (MingW32)
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