How to start xftaskbar on the definite screen in multihead setup?

Tony Whitmore tony at
Wed Mar 30 18:58:40 CEST 2005

nx12 wrote:
> I'm running multihead X consisting of two monitors. It's nvidia
> twinview.
> And I'm wondering how do I start xftaskbar4 on the right screen, not on
> the left one? 
> Thank you.

I have a dual-head set up and for some reason XFCE 4.2.1 starts the 
taskbar on the :0.1 display, rather than the :0.0, even when the DISPLAY 
variable is explicitly set in my .xsession. I know that dual-head 
support is one area where XFCE is going to develop, though, having heard 
the talks at FOSDEM.


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