space wanted

Chris Kassopulo ckasso at
Thu Mar 24 17:46:03 CET 2005

On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 17:26:33 -0500
Andrew Conkling <andrewski at> wrote:

> On Wed, 2005-03-23 at 12:16 -0500, Chris Kassopulo wrote:
> > Greetings,
> > 
> > I have built Xfce packages for Ubuntu - Warty that I
> > would like to share.  I am on a modem connection and my
> > ISP provided space is too small to hold them.
> > 
> > Any willing hosts?
> Chris,
> Any reason I'd want to use yours instead of those on
> I mean, the packages are already out there, so is it necessary to
> repackage them?
Hi Andrew,

Some people may prefer to use the standard tools for installing and

Also, having more than one way to get something is the linux way.
When I needed to install Xfce on a Suse 8.2 box, I couldn't get
oscillation to work for me and I couldn't get packages to build
either.  I was grateful for the rpm's that are linked on the Xfce
download page.  Maybe I can return the favor.


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