Terminal 0.2.4 released

Benedikt Meurer benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Tue Mar 22 10:05:21 CET 2005

Andreas Radke wrote:
> I´ve build a package for Mandrake 10.1. It runs fine. But any changes to 
> the background or transparency does not give an effect.

Instead the background is solid color?

> The changes ´re 
> written to the ~/.configure/Terminal/terminalrc.
> Also the helper browser does not call firefox but mozilla.

Firefox is run like this by default:

  %B -remote "openURL(%u,new-window)" || %B "%u"

where %B is replaced by the firefox binary detected on your system 
(possible binaries are firefox, firefox-gtk2, firefox-gtk, mozilla-firefox).

Last time I checked, if Mozilla is running and you invoke firefox with 
-remote, the command is send to the running Mozilla instance.

> Andreas Radke


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