feature request: don't save config if nothing changed

Jörg Sommer joerg at alea.gnuu.de
Sat Mar 12 01:23:49 CET 2005


we are running xfce 4.0 in our linux pool as the default window manager.
Unfortunately I saw this week xfce saves its config into the home dir
whether, if the user changed something or not.

The problem is, I've changed the global config to fit much better our
network environment, but the user doesn't see this. With the first log on
to the system they evaded herself _involuntarily_ from my reachability.

Now what can I do? How can I prevent this happens again. How can I tell
xfce-panel and alike only to save their config if the user tells it them?

Regards, Jörg.

Im Leben lernt der Mensch als erstes das Gehen und Sprechen.
Später lernt er still zu sitzen und den Mund zu halten.
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