debian official packages: menu.xml and logout problem
Gerald Barre
g.barre at
Wed Jun 29 16:09:25 CEST 2005
Le Wed, 29 Jun 2005 11:32:24 +0800
cathayan <cathayan at> s'exprimait:
> Hi, all,
> i installed xfce4.2 on my debian sid last week using the official
> debs, then I found 2 problems:
> 1. i had added debian sys-menu into the menu.xml file, and on 4.2, it
> doesn't work and will make the desktop menu not appear any more. to
> delete the followings can solve it. and there is a xfce4 system menu,
> great.
> <separator/>
> &debian;
> <separator/>
In my Debian testing, the default system menu is called menudefs.hook.
In the menu.xml it looks like this:
<menu name="Debian" icon="debian">
<include type="file" src="menudefs.hook" />
> 2. the logout/quit button on the panel can only quit to the gdm? how
> to make it to shutdown the computer? i remember the unofficial deb
> package can do it.
You have to allow your user to shutdown, halt or reboot in your
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