Benchmarking XFCE

Edscott Wilson Garcia edscott at
Thu Jun 9 15:17:39 CEST 2005

El jue, 09-06-2005 a las 11:29 +0200, Nick Schermer escribió:
> You problably all read OS news, but i though let's talk about it.
> I've also tested my pc with the benchmark a i get almost the same
> values... so xfwm4 is slow but maybe with the benchmark it's possible 
> to improve xfce 4.4/xfwm4?

Possible, yes. Wise thing to do, no. The amount of users who require to
map more than 5 windows per second is aparently the limit as x->0.

Comparisons with a more reasonable benchmark would be more useful.


Edscott Wilson Garcia <edscott at>

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