pppoe plugin

Andreas J. Guelzow aguelzow at taliesin.ca
Fri Jun 3 19:20:52 CEST 2005

On Fri, 2005-03-06 at 16:34 +0300, עמיחי תאומים Amichai Teumim wrote:
> anyone out there working on a pppoe plugin? One where we can connect and
> disconnect the pppoe adsl, without having to type pon/poff. Basically a
> plugin that does on/off. the netload is perfect to see the activity. So
> maybe it could be an addition to netload, or a combination between
> modem-lights and netload.

That's why I wrote modem lights. If I understand you correctly it should
be the main use-case of modem-lights. Modem lights allows you to do
pon/poff on the click of a mouse.


Andreas J. Guelzow
Taliesin Software, Shelties, Pyr Sheps
and Shetland Sheep
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