XFCE at kiosk mode

Elisio Catana ecatana at hal.min-saude.pt
Sat Jan 22 19:26:32 CET 2005

I want distribute to all users, one configuration customized of my xfce, 
using this at kiosk mode, but i have a problem.
    if i modify the configuration at /etc/xdg/xfce, all users use this 
configuraction, but already its created a directory at user path named 
.config, and this directory its a copy of /etc/xdg and all modifications 
at /etc/xdg are unused.
if i need modify any option, this option don't is updated.
How i can distribute this configuraction to all users.
    At this moment i try create a link at homedir to /etc/xdg, but the 
users can't login.

Any sugestion.

Thanks about any help.

Elísio Catana
ecatana at hal.min-saude.pt

Divisão de Informática e Telecomunicações
Tel: 272 000 155
Fax: 272 000 257
email: informatica at hal.min-saude.pt

Hospital Amato Lusitano
Castelo Branco
Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral
Tel: 272 000 272
Fax: 272 000 257

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