"Verifying DNS setting" message during startup of Xfce

Jeff Franks jcfranks at tpg.com.au
Tue Jan 18 21:50:14 CET 2005

jan wrote:

>I upgraded my Xfce to v4.2 and during the startup sequence:
>Verifying DNS setting ..
>I get message:
>"Cold not get internet address for laura.
>Where "laura" is my computer name (in /etc/hostname). I thought the
>solution migh be to add pair "laura ip_address" in /etc/hosts however I
>connect to network via DNS and usually I get new IP address every time I
I have had the same problem. KDE doesn't do it, and Xfce doesn't do it, 
unless I run GNOME, then Xfce will do too. For some reason GNOME doesn't 
like dynamic IP addresses. It expects every IP address to be in 
/etc/hosts but dynamic IP addresses change, dynamically, and can't be in 
/etc/hosts. As long as I never run GNOME, I dont get this message when I 
run Xfce.  After running GNOME just once, GNOME and Xfce display this 
message. Adding the complained about missing IP address to /etc/hosts 
certainly fixes the problem, until I run GNOME again, and it all starts 
again. Hmm!


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