xfce 4.2 Fedora Core 2 problem

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at cornell.edu
Mon Jan 17 22:17:54 CET 2005

John Meadows wrote:

> I have tried installing/uninstalling xfce 4.2 a couple of times today, 
> but I keep getting the following issue: xfce loads up ok, except for 
> the desktop manager; when I run xfdesktop (so I can get my right click 
> menu working on the desktop), I get a segmentation fault error every 
> time.

do you get the segfault on startup, or after trying to use the menu?  
also, are you sure it isn't already running?  please provide a backtrace 
(http://gaim.sf.net/gdb.php for an example of how to do this).

for future reference, please report crash bugs to http://bugzilla.xfce.org/


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