How to start xscreensaver automatically when starting XFCE?

Myles Green rmg57 at
Tue Jan 4 19:31:55 CET 2005

On Tue, 04 Jan 2005 10:54:44 -0500
"Rinaldi J. Montessi" <rinaldij at> wrote:

> Alexandre Aractingi wrote:
> >> I added your command in $my_normal_user_home/.xinitrc and in
> >> /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc, but that still doesn't work... :-/
> > 
> > First see how XFce was invoked:
> > (for me I see in "ps -ef" that xfce4-session's pid is a child of
> > xinitrc, which you can use to determine which xinitrc has been used)
> What's wrong with a simple
> xscreensaver -nosplash &
> in ~/.xinitrc?

Nothing, except that if the user logs in via GDM (ie run level 2) then
~/.xinitrc doesn't get read but ~/.xsession does. The ~/.xinitrc file is
only read when using startx from the console (ie run level 3). So the
user needs to add that line to their ~/.xsession - of course adding it
to both wouldn't harm anything.


Myles Green <rmg57 at telus dot net> Calgary AB Canada
Ubuntu Linux 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog" Dev. Branch
GnuPG public key (9D02F338)

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