changing desktops

Kamil Trojan kamil.trojan at
Thu Feb 24 14:16:06 CET 2005


I cannot find any option to disable feature when desktops are changing 
after I "touch" the border of screen. It's good feature but
sometimes it's a bit annoying. is it possible to disable it?

Another a bit strange behavior for me has taskbar or panel after
enabling autohide option. when I put mouse cursor at the screen border 
where the panel/taskbar should be, it doesn't pop
up. I have to aim with mouse cursor a pixel or two from the screen
border to make it pop up - the cursor point must be exactly pointing 
the minimized taskbar/panel. is it normal behavior? 

I would like to make it pop up when I simply move mouse cursor at the
border of the screen where taskbar/panel is "docked".

thanks !

Kamil Trojan 
kamil.trojan _at_
The mind is like a parachute, it's better when it's open.

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