launching xscreensaver automatically

Matt Thompson thompsma at
Fri Feb 11 22:04:09 CET 2005

On Fri, 2005-02-11 at 10:53 -0700, Tyler Gee wrote:
> Put it in your .xinitrc file
> <snip>
> exec xscreensaver &
> </snip>

Or there is the line that is in ~/.config/xfce4/xinitrc:

# Launch xscreensaver (if available), but only as non-root user
test $UID -gt 0 && xscreensaver -no-splash &

You can use this style as well to launch xautolock or the like.


Learning just means you were wrong and they were right. - Aram
   Matt Thompson --
   440 UCB, Boulder, CO  80309-0440
   JILA A510, 303-492-4662
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