Exit menu and Xfmedia problems, mousepad feature question

Alexandre Aractingi aaractingi at libertysurf.fr
Thu Feb 3 11:09:25 CET 2005

Le jeudi 03 février 2005 à 10:59 +0100, Vinko Prelac a écrit :
> OK, but what is the point of not having the option to shut the
> computer
> down? And can I somehow get it without compiling xfce-session myself?

I think Charles compiles it this way in order to be able to use Xfce in
kiosk mode without letting users shut down the station.

If you want to enable the option, download the xfce-sessions SRPM,
extract it ( rpm2cpio xfce-session.src.rpm | cpio -iumd), change the
spec file (remove shutdown-style=none from the compile line) and
recompile the RPM (rpm -ba xfce-session.spec).

Alexandre Aractingi <aaractingi at libertysurf.fr>
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